Sunday, April 29, 2012

Parking found in West Seattle in 0.5 minute(s).

Destination: Cupcake Royale
Time: 4/29/2012 14:36:49
Day of Week: Sunday
Neighborhood: West Seattle

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 0.5 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 2.5 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (Unlimited)
Amount of time parked there: 5 hours


Current Global Averages:
Average Cost per Hour: $0.66
Total Cost for Parking: $30.17
Average Distance from Destination: 1.12 block(s)
Average Time spent Searching for Parking: 1.1 minute(s)
Total number of hours parked: 46 hours
Total number of recorded parkings: 29

Parking found in Downtown in 8.5 minute(s).

Destination: Grand Hyatt
Time: 4/29/2012 8:47:03
Day of Week: Sunday
Neighborhood: Downtown

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 8.5 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 1 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (Load and Unload)
Amount of time parked there: 5 hours

Details: A lot of false starts this time around. I circles the block a couple of times because I couldn't see the no parking sign or thought that a space was larger than it was. Spent too much time looking in the core and should have looked by Olive sooner. Parked in passenger load unload that starts at 4pm, so I need to be out of here by then.

Current Global Averages:
Average Cost per Hour: $0.74
Total Cost for Parking: $30.17
Average Distance from Destination: 1.07 block(s)
Average Time spent Searching for Parking: 1.13 minute(s)
Total number of hours parked: 41 hours
Total number of recorded parkings: 28

Friday, April 27, 2012

Parking found in Wallingford in 0 minute(s).

Destination: Wallingford Center
Time: 4/27/2012 15:10:45
Day of Week: Friday
Neighborhood: Wallingford

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 0 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 0.1 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: Off Street (Free Business Parking)
Amount of time parked there: 0.2 hours

Current Global Averages:
Average Cost per Hour: $0.84
Total Cost for Parking: $30.17
Average Distance from Destination: 1.07 block(s)
Average Time spent Searching for Parking: 0.85 minute(s)
Total number of hours parked: 36 hours
Total number of recorded parkings: 27

Parking found in The University District in 0.5 minute(s).

Destination: Aqua Verde
Time: 4/27/2012 13:14:16
Day of Week: Friday
Neighborhood: The University District

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 0.5 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 1.5 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $2.15

Average Cost per Hour: $1.43
Type of Parking: On Street (2hr Paid)
Amount of time parked there: 1.5 hours

Details: Plenty of parking here.

Current Global Averages:
Average Cost per Hour: $0.84
Total Cost for Parking: $30.17
Average Distance from Destination: 1.11 block(s)
Average Time spent Searching for Parking: 0.88 minute(s)
Total number of hours parked: 35.8 hours
Total number of recorded parkings: 26

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Parking found in The University District in 0.25 minute(s).

Destination: Than Brothers
Time: 4/26/2012 21:30:01
Day of Week: Thursday
Neighborhood: The University District

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 0.25 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 0.1 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (2hr Paid)
Amount of time parked there: 0.1 hours

Details: They just closed. :/

Current Global Averages:
Average Cost per Hour: $0.82
Total Cost for Parking: $28.02
Average Distance from Destination: 1.13 block(s)
Average Time spent Searching for Parking: 0.93 minute(s)
Total number of hours parked: 34.2 hours
Total number of recorded parkings: 24

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Parking found in Fremont in 1.5 minute(s).

Destination: The Red Door
Time: 4/24/2012 13:19:29
Day of Week: Tuesday
Neighborhood: Fremont

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 1.5 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 0.2 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $1.75

Average Cost per Hour: $1.4
Type of Parking: On Street (2hr Paid)
Amount of time parked there: 1.25 hours


Current Global Averages:
Average Cost per Hour: $0.82
Total Cost for Parking: $28.02
Average Distance from Destination: 1.18 block(s)
Average Time spent Searching for Parking: 0.96 minute(s)
Total number of hours parked: 34.1 hours
Total number of recorded parkings: 23

Monday, April 23, 2012

Parking found in Fremont in 0.25 minute(s).

Destination: RoRo's BBQ
Time: 4/23/2012 18:57:50
Day of Week: Monday
Neighborhood: Fremont

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 0.25 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 0.2 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (RPZ 2hr)
Amount of time parked there: 0.25 hours

Details: Just dropped by to grab dinner. Take out BBQ.

Current Global Averages:
Average Cost per Hour: $0.8
Total Cost for Parking: $26.27
Average Distance from Destination: 1.22 block(s)
Average Time spent Searching for Parking: 0.93 minute(s)
Total number of hours parked: 32.85 hours
Total number of recorded parkings: 22

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Parking found in Fremont in 2 minute(s).

Destination: Milstead & Co
Time: 4/21/2012 15:21:53
Day of Week: Saturday
Neighborhood: Fremont

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 2 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 1 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (RPZ 2hr)
Amount of time parked there: 1.75 hours

Details: I passes up a spot hoping I would get one even closer, but there wasn't anything where I looked. Instead I circled the block, which was slow because of traffic and found it a block down from the troll.

Current Global Averages:
Average Cost per Hour: $0.81
Total Cost for Parking: $26.27
Average Distance from Destination: 1.27 block(s)
Average Time spent Searching for Parking: 0.96 minute(s)
Total number of hours parked: 32.6 hours
Total number of recorded parkings: 21

Friday, April 20, 2012

Parking found in West Seattle in 0.5 minute(s) (Plus, a ticket!)

Destination: Cupcake Royale
Time: 4/20/2012 2:36:06
Day of Week: Thursday
Neighborhood: West Seattle

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 0.5 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 1 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $25

Average Cost per Hour: $5.56
Type of Parking: Off Street (Free Business Parking)
Amount of time parked there: 4.5 hours

Details: I decided to park in the parking lot behind the Cupcake Royale because it was raining and I didn't intend to stay for too long. I thought that the lot was for 4 hours, but according to the ticket that I got it's actually 3 hours.

I guess the karma that I got when I prevented a woman's car from being towed by warning about the change over to no parking at 4PM on Alaska didn't come back to me. Parking tickets are part of parking in a city, which means that it needs to be included in the averages and numbers. I don't get them often, but in this case I got unlucky. It's $25 and that moves my average cost of parking recorded so far from $0.05 to $0.85.

Current Global Averages:
Average Cost per Hour: $0.85
Total Cost for Parking: $26.27
Average Distance from Destination: 1.29 block(s)
Average Time spent Searching for Parking: 0.91 minute(s)
Total number of hours parked: 30.85 hours
Total number of recorded parkings: 20

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Parking found in Wallingford in 0.5 minute(s).

Destination: Musashi's
Time: 4/10/2012 17:42:16
Day of Week: Tuesday
Neighborhood: Wallingford

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 0.5 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 1.1 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (RPZ 2hr)
Amount of time parked there: 1.25 hours

Details: Had to turn around, but two spots open by restaurant.

Current Global Averages:
Average Cost per Hour: $0.05
Total Cost for Parking: $1.27
Average Distance from Destination: 1.3 block(s)
Average Time spent Searching for Parking: 0.93 minute(s)
Total number of hours parked: 26.35 hours
Total number of recorded parkings: 19

Parking found in Capitol Hill/Broadway in 0.25 minute(s).

Destination: Rudy's
Time: 4/10/2012 14:50:27
Day of Week: Tuesday
Neighborhood: Capitol Hill/Broadway

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 0.25 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 2 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (RPZ 2hr)
Amount of time parked there: 1.25 hours

Details: Just as I was starting to look, there was an open spot on E Olive. I thought this was going to be harder although there's also paid parking in front of Rudy's of I wanted to park closer.

Current Global Averages:
Average Cost per Hour: $0.05
Total Cost for Parking: $1.27
Average Distance from Destination: 1.31 block(s)
Average Time spent Searching for Parking: 0.96 minute(s)
Total number of hours parked: 25.1 hours
Total number of recorded parkings: 18

Parking found in Ballard in 0 minute(s).

Destination: Cupcake Royale
Time: 4/10/2012 13:24:05
Day of Week: Tuesday
Neighborhood: Ballard

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 0 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 3.1 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (Unlimited)
Amount of time parked there: 0.5 hours

Details: Immediately after I started looking, there's a spot.

Current Global Averages:
Average Cost per Hour: $0.05
Total Cost for Parking: $1.27
Average Distance from Destination: 1.27 block(s)
Average Time spent Searching for Parking: 1 minute(s)
Total number of hours parked: 24.85 hours
Total number of recorded parkings: 17

Parking found in Wallingford in 0 minute(s).

Destination: Dick's
Time: 4/10/2012 12:11:50
Day of Week: Tuesday
Neighborhood: Wallingford

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 0 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 0.3 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (RPZ 2hr)
Amount of time parked there: 0.2 hours

Details: Busy day at Dick's. Their lot was full with several cars waiting to park, so I parked across the street in an open spot and walked across the street.

Current Global Averages:
Average Cost per Hour: $0.05
Total Cost for Parking: $1.27
Average Distance from Destination: 1.16 block(s)
Average Time spent Searching for Parking: 1.06 minute(s)
Total number of hours parked: 23.35 hours
Total number of recorded parkings: 16

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Parking Posts now with Global Averages!

All posts from now will include running averages and totals for parking, giving readers a clearly global picture of what parking is really like. I also plan on having weekly summary posts on here to break out the information more geographically. 

Parking found in Ravenna in 0 minute(s).

Destination: Zoka's
Time: 4/8/2012 17:53:24
Day of Week: Sunday
Neighborhood: Ravenna

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 0 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 0.5 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (Load and Unload)
Amount of time parked there: 0.25 hours

Details: Stopped at Zoka's for a quick latte. Parked in 30 minute load/unload.

Current Global Averages:
Average Cost per Hour: $0.05
Total Cost for Parking: $1.27
Average Distance from Destination: 1.21 block(s)
Average Time spent Searching for Parking: 1.13 minute(s)
Total number of hours parked: 23.15 hours
Total number of recorded parkings: 15

Parking found in Fremont in 0 minute(s).

Destination: RoRo's BBQ
Time: 4/8/2012 15:47:12
Day of Week: Sunday
Neighborhood: Fremont

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 0 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 0.3 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (RPZ 2hr)
Amount of time parked there: 0.5 hours

Details: Zero cars parked today on other side of street. Could have parked closer if I pulled a u turn.

Parking found in The University District in 2 minute(s).

Destination: The Sakura Blossoms on the Quad
Time: 4/8/2012 15:25:42
Day of Week: Sunday
Neighborhood: The University District

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 2 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 3.6 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: Off Street (Validated Parking Lot)
Amount of time parked there: 0.5 hours

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Parking found in West Seattle in 0 minute(s).

Destination: Fresh Bistro
Time: 4/7/2012 21:28:44
Day of Week: Saturday
Neighborhood: West Seattle

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 0 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 0.1 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (RPZ 2hr)
Amount of time parked there: 1 hours

Details: Parking across street opened up as we approached.

Parking found in West Seattle in 1 minute(s).

Destination: Alki Beach
Time: 4/7/2012 19:07:12
Day of Week: Saturday
Neighborhood: West Seattle

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 1 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 3.33 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (Unlimited)
Amount of time parked there: 2 hours

Details: Beautiful sunny day on Alki. There was traffic coming in, so I opted to park a little farther away when parking showed up. We walked the rest of the way.

Parking found in The University District in 2 minute(s).

Destination: QFC in U Village
Time: 4/7/2012 13:05:36
Day of Week: Saturday
Neighborhood: The University District

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 2 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 0.5 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: Off Street (Free Business Parking)
Amount of time parked there: 0.25 hours

Details: Parking in University Village. Somewhat busy, but found parking on second turn in lot.

Friday, April 6, 2012

Parking found in Ballard in 1 minute(s).

Destination: Plaka Estiatorio
Time: 4/6/2012 18:00:50
Day of Week: Friday
Neighborhood: Ballard

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 1 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 1 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (RPZ 2hr)
Amount of time parked there: 1.5 hours

Details: Parking back in angle one block from restaurant during dinner

Parking found in West Seattle in 1 minute(s).

Destination: Cupcake Royale in the Junction
Time: 4/6/2012 11:26:49
Day of Week: Friday
Neighborhood: West Seattle

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 1 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 3 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (Unlimited)
Amount of time parked there: 5 hours

Details: There is always parking behind the cupcake, but this time I wanted to stay longer and not worry about a ticket. Parked on street a little further away.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

Parking found in Capitol Hill/Broadway in 2 minute(s).

Destination: Yoshinos on 12th
Time: 4/5/2012 15:32:51
Day of Week: Thursday
Neighborhood: Capitol Hill/Broadway

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 2 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 1 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (RPZ 2hr)
Amount of time parked there: 0.3 hours

Details: Paid parking was available on front of shop, but I held out for free parking. On street available just around corner on Marion. 2 minutes is being generous.

Parking found in Madrona in 0 minute(s).

Destination: Cupcake Royale
Time: 4/5/2012 12:05:17
Day of Week: Thursday
Neighborhood: Madrona

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 0 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 0.2 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $NaN
Type of Parking: On Street (Unlimited)
Amount of time parked there: 2 hours

Details: Parking immediately available on approach.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Parking found in West Seattle in 1 minute(s).

Destination: Cupcake Royale in the Junction
Time: 4/3/2012 15:26:37
Day of Week: Tuesday
Neighborhood: West Seattle

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 1 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 0.5 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: Off Street (Free Business Parking)
Amount of time parked there: 4 hours

Details: Parked in 4hr free lot behind cupcake royale

Parking found in Capitol Hill/Broadway in 1 minute(s).

Destination: Pho Cyclo on Broadway
Time: 4/3/2012 11:10:36
Day of Week: Tuesday
Neighborhood: Capitol Hill/Broadway

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 1 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 1.2 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $1.27

Average Cost per Hour: $1.27
Type of Parking: On Street (2hr Paid)
Amount of time parked there: .6 hours

Details: Several spots available on Broadway. Pre lunch rush

Monday, April 2, 2012

Parking found in Ravenna in 1 minute(s).

Destination: Zoka's
Time: 4/2/2012 16:44:41
Day of Week: Monday
Neighborhood: Ravenna

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 1 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 0.2 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (RPZ 2hr)
Amount of time parked there: 1 hours

Details: Parking freely available across street.

Parking found in Downtown in 4 minute(s).

Destination: Westlake and Pike Place Market
Time: 4/1/2012 13:00:00
Day of Week: Sunday
Neighborhood: Downtown

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 4 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 2 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (Sunday)
Amount of time parked there: 4 hours

Details: Looked for parking on 3rd, but no luck. Headed to 6th to head to Pacific Place Garage but found street parking on the way.

Parking found in SLU/Cascade in 1 minute(s).

Destination: Vivace
Time: 4/1/2012 12:33:44
Day of Week: Sunday
Neighborhood: SLU/Cascade

Time Spent Looking for Parking: 1 minute(s)
Distance from Destination: 0.2 block(s)
Amount Paid for Parking: $0

Average Cost per Hour: $0
Type of Parking: On Street (Sunday)
Amount of time parked there: 0.25 hours

Details: Pulled off of I-5, turned on to local streets. Open spot in front of Vivace.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

What this blog is all about

This blog is about what parking in Seattle is really like.

I live in Seattle and while I bus and bike often, I also own a car and sometimes it's just easier to drive. After the city of Seattle changed parking rates throughout the city, there has been a lot of media attention to what effect this would have and many critics have stated that parking in Seattle is impossible and that the price of parking keeps them away from their favorite restaurants and shops.

From my personal experience, I never seem to have an issue with parking and nothing so drastic that it would keep me from a place that I love. With the negative message in the media and my general experience of parking being a non-issue, I felt that it would be a good idea to generate some actual numbers that could be discussed and used to answer the question, "Is parking really that bad in Seattle?"

Data is entered to the best of my abilities when I'm parking wherever I happen to be going. This is an informal study on my own time, which means that there is no attempt to survey the entire city (although I do end up parking in some of the busiest areas, so it should be fairly representative). Here's how I collect my data:
  1. The timer starts when I start looking for parking after turning off of a main road. 
  2. The timer continues until I have found a spot that is legal for that given time, that fits my car, and is where I actually parked for that occasion. It stops when I start parking.
  3. If I am parking in a garage or parking lot, the timer continues until I am in the garage and have found an available spot and start to pull in to it.
  4. If the spot that I pull into turns out to be illegal or unavailable for some reason (lot full or a misread sign), the timer picks up as if it had never stopped. 
  5. I enter the data in to a personal online survey with my phone, which is then automatically posted here. Information includes what I submit and a rolling average of time spent looking for parking, distance for my destination, and the overall cost per hour. 
    1. Average time is the sum of the time spent looking for all entries, measured in minutes, divided by the number of entries.
    2. Average distance is the sum of the distance from destination for all entries, measured in blocks, divided by the number of entries.
    3. Average cost is the total cost of parking associated with all entries (unpaid parking is counted as $0 per hour) divided by the total time spent parked in all those entries.
  6. This is focused on personal expenses and inconvenience caused by parking. Unpaid parking is counted as $0 per hour, regardless of if it is on the street or business provided. Validated parking is counted as the total out of pocket expense for parking so long as the goods or services purchased to receive validation would have been purchased anyways.
A couple basic rules about the results I post:
  1. Parking at home for the night is not included or entered.
  2. The parking must be on public access or in a paid public garage.
  3. In many areas, parking is not remotely an issue. Parking in these areas will not be included to ensure that the focus remains on the busiest areas of Seattle and the major Seattle neighborhoods.